Setting up your feed is easy. But you need to be precise.
Phase 1: the basics
The fist thing you need to do is to create logic in the basic areas. Such as names and labels. This will help you with keeping a good structure.
The name is for internal usage. You can fill in anything you want so you instantly know what the feed contains.
The label will be displayed on the website. We recommend to use the name of the webshop. Such as “Amazon” or “”.
Here you need to place the URL of your XML feed.
Choose the website that needs to display the feed. You can find your websites in the “Websites” section.
We recommend to use a 48px height in combination with a transparent background. PNG format is the best option. If you wish to have retina picture, choose a 96px height.
Please save for safety purposes and continue to phase 2.
Phase 2: apply filter
This step is optional in case you fill in the “category” field in the feed mapper (step 3).
We recommend to download your XML file and look at the way it is structured. Based on the labels you can apply filters.
Apply filter on the feed
The “Filters” options make sure you only import what you need from a feed. Thanks to this filter, you can specify what you want to import based on:
- Description
- Price
- Color
- Currency
- Delivery costs
- Custom field (pick any label out your XML feed)
Example: The feed contains all clothing but you only need shoes. In the “Filters” section you apply the following filter:
Custom field > Field name = subcategory > select “Equals” > “Shoes”
Categorize the import
With category filters, you can apply filters on the import and connect the imported products to a category. If you choose not to do this, the categories will automatically be generated based on the feed mapper. Later more on this topic.
In the example we said that we want to apply a filter on the feed, because the only thing we want to import is shoes. The next thing is to make sure that the products end up in the proper category. Therefore we apply “Category filters”. Again, you can choose to filter based on:
- Description
- Price
- Color
- Currency
- Delivery costs
- Custom field (pick any label out your XML feed)
Example: I want to filter sneakers, running shoes and boots and connect them to the proper categories:
Sneakers: Description > Contains > sneaker > Choose “Sneakers” category
Running shoes: Description > Contains > run > Choose “Running shoes” category
Boots: URL > Contains > boot > Choose “Boots” category
Choose your “Unique Node Depth”
Step 3: Map your feed
The “Feed mapper” allows you to import any XML feed you want. Every feed can have different values, thanks to the mapper we’re making sure the proper value is selected for each label. Explanation per label:
- EAN: stands for European Article Numbering. Each article has an unique number. On the basis of this number we compare the prices. This value does not necessarily have to be an European number;
- url: this is the deeplink to the product;
- description: here you can add a description of the product, this is currently invisible on the website because of the possibility to create duplicate content;
- images: through this value we display the correct product’s photo/image;
- price: this is the actual price of the product. When the EAN value is the same of a product from a different store, pricing will be compared;
- price from: in case a price has changed or a product is on sale, this is the price you want to select here. Thanks to this value we automatically calculate the discount percentage;
- colour: the colour of a product;
- currency: the currency of the product, currently we support Euro, Pound and Dollar;
- delivery costs: showed in the popup, this is the price that needs to be paid for delivering the product at home;
- size: this label creates the sizes that will be displayed in the popup;
- brand: this label creates a brand where visitors can filter on, this will also create a brand on the /brands page;
- title: this label creates a heading/title above the product on the productpage/popup;
- category: in case no filter has been made in step 2, this category automatically creates categories based on the value that was taken from the feed. If you take the first example and put the value “subcategory” here, an automated category would be “Shoes”.